Auto Free Design
Many people can’t get to work, school or stores because using a car is too expensive. Auto Free Design provides a way for people to move without a vehicle. As cities increase infrastructure for walking, bicycling and transit use, people will have more options to see family, friends and fellow workers. As people walk, ride bicycles and use transit, their health may improve as they get more exercise. If vehicle use is reduced, people may be exposed to less pollution. With less cancer, heart disease and diabetes, people may live longer. Transit is safer, cheaper and provides time to rest, eat, sleep and relax as the driving is done by professional drivers. Auto Free Design outlines a way to transform urban areas to make sustainable transport and development, which provides a way for people to move and live in ways that make the least damage to the air, land, water, plants, animals and people. Walking, bicycling and transit use generates freedom from the automobile. Auto free design presents a way for people to live well without owning a vehicle.

Workers Health Handbook
Many people struggle to meet needs. The endless toll of work, paying bills, and avoiding eviction under mine a life worth living. Making goals and habits to empower your body and mind can improve your life. Consistent action and perseverance can liberate people from unhealthy habits. This book allows people to meet needs sustainably in community without becoming an indentured servant to the economy. Empower your life; a simple 5 bucks could change your life forever; Take Action Now!

Save Your Life Prevent Hospital Use
Accidents happen. Life moves into another stage. If it can break, it will. People destroy themselves and eventually learn that it’s easier and less painful to prevent an accident or injury than it is to heal broken bones, a heart infested with disease, or a lung with cancer. Those are all very difficult to accept and adapt to and succumb to. This book provides ideas that can save your life and the life of a family member or friend. People learn the hard way and realize that caution can be more pleasurable, stable, and relaxing. If you run your life machine on high all the time, it will break down faster. This book, Save Your Life, Prevent Hospital Use, can save your time, energy, and life. With a little effort and practice, you can live a safer, more pleasant life by practicing this Goldmine of information.

Coop Owners Handbook
The co-op owners manual describes how people own, manage, and operate housing to meet needs locally and sustainably in the community, usually for 30-50% less than market rate housing. Members in a co-op meet weekly to govern their housing. They decide what must be done to keep the building running efficiently. With a work job system, they assign duties to each person to work 3 to 5 hours per week to make housing. Work jobs include cleaning, cooking, maintenance, finance, governance, and coordinating membership. Each person works on one job, pays monthly for housing and food, and comes to a weekly meeting. Members are usually not related to each other but could be. Often, it’s a left-leaning culture, but the system could work with any group of people. The cost of co-op housing is usually 30 to 50% less than market-rate housing with organic food. How can this be possible? In meetings, people use their combined mental power to manage the building most efficiently. The group benefits when people combine their skills to eliminate the landlord and reduce other costs by doing the work themselves.

Eye on AI Meeting Needs Sustainably
Artificial intelligence can solve many problems faster with better quality than most humans. This may bring many advantages for people who adopt the technology appropriately. For many, this means setting up robots, drones, and artificial intelligence to do jobs that most people only do for money. In this process, many jobs will vanish. For some, anxiety, hopelessness, and depression will follow. This book can’t stop artificial intelligence from taking your job, but it may help you take advantage. By reading this book, you can take action to stop being a victim of artificial intelligence. Jobs in the green economy will expand. People are needed to make our buildings and cars run without using fossil fuels. People who prepare for the future may avoid being overtaken as technology and artificial intelligence take over many monotonous jobs that people would rather not do. AI can be used to make the transition to an economy that uses less fossil fuels. That depends on what we do. If the biggest push is to use AI to meet needs sustainably, our planet and people will have a much brighter future. Take action and buy this book to make a sustainable future for you, your family, friends, and the planet.

Travels on the Nomadic Terrain
Have you ever stumbled off the beaten path and found something intriguing, authentic, something you could not stay away from? In the hustle and bustle of the dominant society, it’s easy to get lost. As people struggle, more and more for less and less, is there a way out? Few things are what they used to be. Now, people work two or three jobs and still can’t afford to live. Many have given up on having children and a house. Women are forced to give up their careers if they want to have children. It’s very difficult to do both. Another world is possible. It’s not always so pretty or easy, but it values time over money, plants, and animals more than domestication and exploring a desired alternative. Check out this walk on the wild side of experimentation, exploration, and design. Stop the boredom and start the action. This book explores alternatives that may grab you and change your life forever. Don’t miss it, and don’t lose it; for almost nothing, you can grab the keys to a future beyond the pale of the grind, the endless bills, and the car that breaks down and keeps draining your money and your life.

Tales of the Urban Shaman
Lost in a jungle, she was headed off a cliff. With twilight fading, she had to take action. Meanwhile, her comrades in Los Angeles fought for the future of forever. As the storms of global warming become half the size of the United States, and artificial intelligence, robots, drones, and fasbots take over reality, can she adapt? Brace yourself for a walk off the wild side and beyond beyond. In the post-apocalyptic haze of the unknown, another reality rises. Can you meet the challenges of the future? Take action, rise up, and get this book.

Housing in the Danger Zone
In 2008, the economy crashed, and so did my job—thirty years of welding and carpentry experience down the drain. Governments and corporations gave no warning, but Lennin did. Booms go bust, and that’s where my economic future went, bust. Riddled between a rock and a hard place, I found an opening. Sometimes, it makes sense to do what nobody else will do. They told me not to do it, but I did it anyway. I paid the price many times. Have you ever looked on the horizon and seen a rocky future? This story traces a path to renovating 1-4 unit brick buildings into affordable housing in the most impoverished and crime-ridden areas of New York State, starting in 2012—all of this on a bicycle and the skin of the teeth. Through the juggernaut of landlord-tenant law in New York State, sinking into the welfare state and buried in the codes of the Department of Buildings, this book traces a path of many obstacles to making affordable housing without government funding. On two wheels with no vehicle, ten rental units come back to life and operate with punity. COVID-19 arrived, and the government took over housing. Can someone renovate vacant buildings into affordable housing in the areas with the highest crime and poverty rates in New York State without a vehicle and without government help? Get ready for take off. The adventure will begin once you take action; buy this book as soon as possible!

Corona Time
People vanished. Streets were empty. People were sick and dying everywhere. How did people respond to the most significant healthcare emergency in hundreds of years? It attacked everyone, yet it was invisible, so small that you couldn’t see it. Children stayed home from school. Vast numbers of people lost their jobs. Society closed down immediately. How could this happen? How could something so tiny do so much? No one paid for it or made it, so how could this happen? Inside is a story of struggle, adaptation, and change as the whole world takes on the challenge of a lifetime. Get the story of the century. Witness the tale of a thousand lifetimes. Don’t wait for too late. Buy this book now!

Philosophy of Design, Action and Multiplicity
Have you ever wondered what is worth doing more than anything else? In less than 250 years, humanity is driving the planet off a cliff. Climate change is undermining the stability of weather patterns that support 8 billion people. Fires, floods, tornadoes, droughts, and hurricanes ravage the built environment. Will climate change extinguish humans before artificial intelligence? Life is being transformed into zeros and ones. The mad race to digitize the universe expands at an exponential pace. Far and wide, people are searching, experimenting, and innovating to find solutions. This book explores the potential of thinking to transform action. Some focus on the process, others on the goals. Designing systems can mine chaos for questions, data, and secrets of the universe. Advantages accrue for those who interpret for difference. Challenges for designers of the future motivate generations to solve the riddle of adaptation. Don’t wait too late; get this book now to chart a path into a life worth living.